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Provider Forms
- Application for Provider Status - Initial & Renewal
- Education Approval Application: In Person Training
- Education Approval Application: Online Training
Past Education Approvals
Benefits of Becoming an Approved Education Provider
- Assured of offering training that professionals must acquire for recertification.
- Organization can market trainings as VCB Approved.
- Approved education is listed on the VCB website which is the first place professionals seeking recertification are directed for education.
- Approved education will be searchable on the VCB website by not only organization, topic, region, online or in person training and date.
CCHW Training Approval
This application is designed to; 1) expand the instructional capacity within Virginia through learning institutions and other community providers for persons seeking to become certified as Community Health Workers and, 2) assist the Virginia Certification Board in the review of curriculum that meets the core competency instruction standards that is part of the CHW certification process.
Title | Dates | Hours | Location | Organization |
Ambiguous Grief and Loss in Narcissistic and Emotionally Abusive Relationships - 103383 | - | 3 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Attempted Suicide in American Indian and Alaska Native Populations: - 103324 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Brief Interventions for Adolescent Alcohol and Substance Abuse- Part 4 - 103371 | - | 5 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Groups Part 1: - 103467 | - | 8 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Compassionate Care - Going the Extra Mile: Sex Trafficking Survivors' Recommendations for Healthcare Best Practices - 103476 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Domestic Violence Victimization & Clinical Considerations - 103422 | - | 3 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Ethical Humility in Social Work - 103329 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Exploring Arts-based Interventions for Youth Substance Use Prevention: a Scoping Review of Literature - 103364 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Grief Assessments & Grief Along the Life Span - 103456 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Intersecting Substance Use Treatment and Harm Reduction Services: Exploring the Characteristics and Service Needs of a Community-based Sample of People Who Use Drugs - 103389 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Models of Remote Professional Supervision for Psychologists in Rural and Remote Locations: A Systematic Review - 103360 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
National Guidelines for Child and Youth Behavioral Health Crisis Care - 103462 | - | 3 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Practical Guide for Implementing a Trauma-Informed Approach - 103491 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Prevention Strategies for American Indian Youth - 103346 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Reducing Vaping Among Youth and Adults - 103474 | - | 3 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Spirituality, Diversity, and Ethical Decision-Making: The Inclusive Wesleyan Quadrilateral Discernment Model - 103386 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
The Dialogue: Mass Violence, Community Violence, and Hate Crimes - 103338 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
TIP 65: Counseling Approaches To Promote Recovery From Problematic Substance Use and Related Issues - 103427 | - | 6 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Traumatic Events, Social Adversity and Discrimination As Risk Factors for Psychosis - An Umbrella Review - 103454 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Treatment-seeking Behaviour Among People With Opioid Use Disorder in the High-income Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis - 103375 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Walking the Ethical Line in Providing Telemental Health Services - 103340 | - | 3 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Helpful Ingredients in the Treatment of Long-Term Substance Use Disorders-A Collaborative Narrative Study - 102703 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Routine monitoring of therapeutic alliance to predict treatment engagement in a Veteran Affairs substance use disorder clinic - 102763 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Treating Patients With Co-occurring Autism Spectrum Disorder and Substance Use Disorder-A Clinical Explorative Study - 102602 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Creating Environments of Hope and Wellness: Recovery in Hospital Settings - 102466 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |