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Provider Forms
- Application for Provider Status - Initial & Renewal
- Education Approval Application: In Person Training
- Education Approval Application: Online Training
Past Education Approvals
Benefits of Becoming an Approved Education Provider
- Assured of offering training that professionals must acquire for recertification.
- Organization can market trainings as VCB Approved.
- Approved education is listed on the VCB website which is the first place professionals seeking recertification are directed for education.
- Approved education will be searchable on the VCB website by not only organization, topic, region, online or in person training and date.
CCHW Training Approval
This application is designed to; 1) expand the instructional capacity within Virginia through learning institutions and other community providers for persons seeking to become certified as Community Health Workers and, 2) assist the Virginia Certification Board in the review of curriculum that meets the core competency instruction standards that is part of the CHW certification process.
Title | Dates | Hours | Location | Organization |
Enhancing Motivation for Change in Substance Abuse Treatment (TIP) 35: Appendix B - Screening and Assessment Instruments - 101385 | - | 3 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
A Brief Overview of Specific Mental Disorders and Cross-Cutting Issues (TIP 42, Ch. 8): Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons With Co-Occurring Disorders - 101138 | - | 4 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Staying in Action: The Pathological Gamblers Equivalent of the Dry Drunk - 101426 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Guidelines for Referral and Diagnosis - 100990 | - | 5 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Working with the Classroom and the School Environment to Prevent Youth Violence and Substance Abuse - 100331 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Substance Abuse and the Family: Defining the Role of the Faith Community - 100305 | - | 3 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Co-Occurring Alcohol Use Disorder and Schizophrenia: Alcohol Research and Health - 101216 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
A Systematic Review : The Role of Virtual Communities in Gambling and Gaming Behaviors - 103413 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
American Indian and Alaskan Native SAPST Training Webinar - 103350 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Variance, Manifestation, and Strategies Provide Tailored Supports and Services - 103382 | - | 3 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Bulletins for Professionals: Human Trafficking and Child Welfare: A Guide for Child Welfare Agencies - 103347 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Groups Part 2: - 103468 | - | 8 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Consumer Health Information Technology in the Prevention of Substance Abuse: Scoping Review - 103379 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Drama Therapy for Children and Adolescents With Psychosocial Problems: - 103431 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Ethics and Risk Management Issues in Supervision - 103321 | - | 3 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Exploring Evidenced-Based Therapies for Suicide - 103327 | - | 3 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Group Therapy With Diverse Clients - 103319 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States-Results from the 2021 National Survey on Drug Use and Health - 103497 | - | 8 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Mood and Anxiety Symptoms in Persons Taking Prescription Opioids: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analyses of Longitudinal Studies - 103339 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Native Spirit: Development of a Culturally Grounded After‐school Program to Promote Well‐being Among American Indian Adolescents - 103320 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Predictors of Therapeutic Alliance, Treatment Feedback, and Clinical Outcomes Among African American Women in Treatment for Co-Occurring PTSD and SUD - 103441 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Prolonged Grief Disorder and the DSM-V-TR - 103403 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Relative Effectiveness of Medications for Opioid-related Disorders: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials - 103318 | - | 2 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
Strategies to Promote Social Connections Among Older Adults During “Social Distancing” Restrictions - 103356 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |
The Good, the Bad, and Recovery: Adolescents Describe the Advantages and Disadvantages of Alternative Peer Groups - 103385 | - | 1 | Distance Learning | CE Learning Systems LLC, |